Log in to an HHM PC

Log in to an HHM PC

Verify that the computer is a Hersha / HHM computer

You can quickly tell if the computer you are logging on to is a Hersha / HHM computer by looking below the username and password field and looking for Sign in to: HERSHA. If it says something else like your properties INNCODE, then the computer is likely a brand computer and you would need to use your brand credentials to logon to that computer with.

Enter your HHM username which is your firstname.lastname

Example: if your name is Jonathan Smith, your HHM username is jonathan.smith.

If your firstname + lastname exceeds more than 20 characters, your HHM username will be cut off at the 20th character.

Enter your HHM password which is the same as your Gmail password

If you get errors when logging in, please send the exact error message to us so we can assist. Examples of errors are below and what to do:

How to resolve
The domain cannot be reached
This error happens when the computer is not connected to the HHM network and cannot reach our servers to authenticate you. The fix is to connect the computer to the HHM network with an ethernet cable.
The username or password is incorrect
Make sure you are entering your firstname.lastname as the username and your HHM password. See instructions below to reset your password if you've forgotten it.
The security database on the server does not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship
This error means the computer is connected to the HHM network but we will need to fix something on our end. Please create a ticket so we can assist.

If you are having login issues related to your password, please reference the instructions at iforget.hhmlp.com or see the help articles below:

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